What a privilege I had today! Plainview High School was a national award winner in the Scholastic Book Fair contest – for the 2nd year in a row. The Scholastic Book Fair regional manager came to present a huge banner. The kids were there and some of their parents came too! The media specialist, Mike Cabaya, and the assistant, Deb Delgado, are very special people who make the library media center a fun place to be. The kids’ crew even had a name. First it was “The Library Club”, but creative bunch they are, they named themselves “Readers of the Lost Art.”
I was humbled to be able to bring congratulations from the region. I told them they are special, and then I told them how special their community is. Their small school maintains a certified library media specialist in each of their 2 library media centers. Their town has a most excellent public library. They are truly blessed.
After the short program, a young lady named Sasha came to tell me how much she agreed with my remarks. She is a foreign exchange student from Russia, and she related how much she appreciated the libraries in Plainview – both the school and the public library. She told me how she had been a little fearful of what she’d find in such a small town as Plainview, but how much she liked it there, due in no small part to the libraries.
Kudos to “Readers of the Lost Art” – you will make a real mark on our world, wherever you go!