Minnesota established multitype regions in statute — 7 regions. Minnesota also has 12 public library regions. I wasn’t here when library regions were formed, so have no first-hand knowledge about the climate surrounding their formation. The existence of library regions is preferable to the existence of no library regions — yet I wonder if more is necessarily better.
The structure of the library regions was difficult for me to get my head around. It’s far more difficult to explain to legislators and stake holders. One of the SELCO/SELS board members said it best during the SELCO and SELS 2000 strategic planning process. The planning committee had spent considerable time in meetings, collecting data and discussing the future of the organization(s). We were in a final meeting at which the goal was to set the direction of the plan, and he, like the child in the Emporer’s New Clothes, said he still didn’t get it. What was this multitype region? In truth, he was probably the one participant (of the many who were grappling with the question) who had enough bravado to raise the question. Those who know again explained the structure as it exists. An epiphany dawned, as he said “I get it”. He recapitulated his newly developed comprehension as a comparison between SELS and the “watering hole” in a primite culture where the residents share communication and information around that gathering place.